I consider myself second to none, since I have realized in myself the One alone.
All things that may seem to be
exalting my position, they indeed lower me in my eyes.
There is nothing that I consider
too good for me or too high to attain to;
There is nothing that I feel too
humiliating for me to do,
Neither does love exalt me, nor
hate depress me, for all things to me seem natural.
It makes no difference to me if
I am so praised that I am raised from earth to heaven,
To fall down does not break me
or discourages me; I could not have enjoyed virtue's beauty, if I had not known sin.
Every loss in life I consider as
the throwing off of an old garment in order to put on a new one; I have learned more by my faults than by my virtues. If I had always acted aright I could not be human. My intuition never fails me, but I fail whenever I do not listen to it.
Patience is the lesson I had
given to me from the moment I stepped on the earth; I blame no one for his wrongdoing, but neither do I encourage him in that direction.
In bringing happiness to others
I feel the pleasure of God,
Every soul stands before me as a
Nothing seems either too good or
too bad,
I consider my action toward
every man as my action toward God,
So long as I act upon my own
intuition I succeed,
I work simply, not troubling
about results.
Life in the world is most
interesting to me, I feel myself when I am by myself.
By respecting every person I
meet, I worship God,
There is nothing in life which
pleases me more than pleasing others,
I am ready to learn from those
who come to teach me, I regard every obstacle on my part as an incentive to success. I would have either Heaven or Hell, but not Purgatory. I do not intend to teach my fellowmen, but to show them all I see.
Hail to my exile from the Garden
of Eden to the earth.
At the moment when I shall be
leaving this earth, I have not come to change humanity; I have come to help it on.
If anyone strikes my heart, it
does not break but it bursts,
My deep sigh rises above as a
cry of the earth, I am a tide in the sea of life, bearing toward the shore all who come within my enfoldment. |