October |
1 Each soul's attainment is according to its evolution. 2 It always means that you must sacrifice something very dear to you when His call comes. 3
Renunciation is always for a purpose: 4
There are those who are like a lighted candle; they can light other
candles. 5 There is no greater Scripture than nature, for nature is life itself. 6
Wisdom can only be learned gradually, 7
is a very high stage on the path of love 8 Love alone is the fountain from which all virtues fall as drops of sparkling water. 9 The whole purpose of life is to make God a reality. 10
you seek the good in every soul you will always find it, 11
knowledge of God is beyond man's reason, 12
Him in all souls, good or bad, wise and foolish, attractive and
unattractive; 13 When in ourselves there is inharmony, how can we spread harmony ? 14 The innermost being of man is the real being of God. 15 Love itself is the healing power and the remedy for all pain. 16
loving, forgiving and serving, 17 Mysticism to the mystic is both science and religion. 18
principles of mysticism rise from the heart of man; 19 Your work in life must be your religion, whatever your occupation may be. 20
true joy of every soul is in the realization the Divine Spirit, 21 Beyond the narrow barriers of race and creed can all unite, because we all belong to one God. 22 All forms of worship or prayer must draw man closer to God. 23 When man is separated from God in his thought, his belief is of no use, his worship is of little use. 24 The source of the realization of truth is within man, he himself is the object of his realization. 25 True self-denial is losing one's self in God. 26
slightest mistake, if not corrected, will it time turn into the greatest
folly; 27
According to his evolution man knows the truth; 28 The man filled with the knowledge of names and forms has no capacity for the knowledge truth. 29
mistakes when he begins to cultivate the heart by wanting to sow the
seed himself, 30
outlet of the love impulse spreads out man’s influence, 31
Earthly knowledge is as clouds dimming the sight,