September |
and sorrow both are for each other. 2 Self-pity is the cause of all life's grievances. 3
can the Unlimited Being be limited? 4 Pleasure blocks, but pain clears the way of inspiration. 5 There is no source of happiness other than in the heart of man. 6 Happy is he who does good to others; miserable is he who expects good from others. 7 One virtue is more powerful than a thousand vices. 8 The soul is either raised or cast down by the power of its own thought, speech and action 9 Love is the Divine Mother's arms; when those arms are spread, every soul falls into them. 10 It is the fruit that makes the tree bow low. 11 In order to learn forgiveness man must first learn tolerance. 12 The first step towards forgiveness is to forget. 13
only way to live in the midst of inharmonious influences 14 Devotion to a spiritual teacher is not for the sake of the teacher: it is for God. 15
become cold from the coldness of the world is weakness; 16 God alone deserves all love, and the freedom of love is in giving it to God. 17 Love has the power to open the door of eternal life. 18
has its limitations when it is directed towards limited beings, 19
teacher, however great, can never give his knowledge to the pupil; 20
thing is true: although the teacher cannot give the knowledge, 21 Will-power is the keynote of mastery, and asceticism is the development of will-power. 22 Real generosity is an unfailing sign of spirituality. 23
There are two kinds of generosity, the real and the shadow; 24 It is better to pay than receive from the vain, for such favours demand ten times their cost. 25 The Kingdom of Heaven is in the hearts of those who realize God. 26 In order to relieve the hunger of others we must forget our own hunger. 27
is when man has lost the idea of separateness and feels himself at one
with all creation, 28 To fall beneath one's ideal is to lose one's share of life. 29 The wise of all ages have taught that it is knowledge of the Divine Being that is life and the only reality. 30
the stream of love flows in its full strength,