August |
1 Understanding makes the trouble of life lighter to bear. 2
same herb planted in various atmospheric conditions will vary in form
accordingly, 3 Think, before envying the position of your fellow-man, with what difficulty he has arrived at it. 4 Life is what it is; you cannot change it, but you can always change yourself. 5
is a continual series of experiences, 6 External life is the shadow of the inner reality. 7 At the cost of one failure the wise learn the lesson for the whole life. 8 The more you evolve spiritually, the further you pass from the understanding of every man. 9 One word can be more precious than all the treasures of the earth. 10 Narrowness is primitiveness; it is the breadth of heart that proves evolution. 11 It is simpler to find a way to Heaven than to find a way on earth. 12 It is God who, by the hand of man, designs and carries out His intended plan in nature. 13 The lover of nature is the true worshipper of God. 14 In the country you see the glory of God; in the city you glorify His name. 15 The pain of life is the price paid for the quickening of the heart. 16 Words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels. 17 Love is the current coin of all peoples in all periods. 18 Do not take the example of another as an excuse for your own wrongdoing. 19 Overlook the greatest fault of another, but do not partake of it yourself in the smallest degree. 20 Cleverness and complexity are not necessarily wisdom. 21 The whole world's treasure is too small a price to pay for a word that kindles the soul. 22 He is living whose sympathy is awake, and he is dead whose heart is asleep. 23
wisest man in the world may do a most foolish thing in an instant. 24 Put your trust in God for support and see His hidden hand working through all sources. 25 Faith is the A B C of the realization of God; this faith begins by prayer. 26
Passion is the smoke and emotion is the glow o love's fire; 27 The soul of Christ is the light of the universe. 28 Death is a tax the soul has to pay for having ha a name and a form. 29 A pure life and a clear conscience are as two wings attached to the soul. 30 The giver is greater than the gift. 31
who has spent has used; he who has collected has lost; |