June |
Man's bodily appetites take him away from his heart's desires; 2 Words are but the shadows of thoughts and feelings. 3 The more elevated the soul, the broader the outlook. 4
secret of a friend should be kept as one's own secret; 5
Forbearance, patience and tolerance 6
blame others for our sorrows and misfortunes, 7
Nobody appears inferior to us when our heart is kindled with kindness
8 Selfishness keeps man blind through life. 9
final victory in the battle of life for every soul 10
power leads and wisdom follows, the face of wisdom is veiled and she
stumbles; 11 Man's whole conduct in life depends upon what he holds in his thought. 12
who can be detached enough 13 True justice cannot be perceived until the veil of selfishness has been removed from the eyes. 14 Our thoughts have prepared for us the happiness or unhappiness we experience. 15
is the best means of making the heart capable of reflecting the
soul-power 16 Every experience on the physical, astral or mental plane is just a dream before the soul. 17
heart of man is the shrine of God; 18
love's fire produces its flame, it illuminates like a torch the
devotee's path in life, 19 It is mistrust that misleads; sincerity always leads straight to the goal. 20
lies in service; 21 The soul is all light; darkness is caused by the deadness of the heart; pain makes it alive. 22 The quality of forgiveness that burns up all things except beauty is the quality of love. 23
individual composes the music of his own life; 24 He who with sincerity seeks his real purpose in life, is himself sought by that purpose. 25
Through motion and change life becomes intelligible. 26
Every being has a different vocation and his vocation is the light that
illumines his life. 27
heart sleeps until it is awakened to life by a blow; 28
awakened heart says, "I must give, I must not demand". 29
worlds are held together by the heat of the sun; 30 When a man dives within, he finds that his real self is above the perpetual motion of the universe.