March |
1 Nature speaks louder than the call from the minaret. 2
priest gives a benediction from the church; 3
soul brings its light from Heaven; the mind acquires its knowledge from
earth. 4 Those who throw dust at the sun - the dust falls in their own eyes. 5 Man creates his own disharmony. 6
real abode of God is in the heart of man; 7
is a false love that does not uproot man's claim of "I"; 8 You cannot be both horse and rider at the same time. 9
is more important to know the truth about one's self 10 Every man's pursuit is according to his evolution. 11 Man sees what he sees; beyond it he cannot see. 12
defend ourselves from our folly is as hoarding our faults in the safe of
our own heart, 13 As life unfolds itself to man, the first lesson he learns is humility. 14 God is Truth and Truth is God. 15 Until man loses himself in the vision of God, he cannot be said to live really. 16 At every step of evolution man's realization of God changes. 17 Verily, he is victorious who has conquered himself. 18 Prayer is the greatest virtue, the only way of being free from all sin. 19 It is the sincere devotee who knows best how to humble himself before God. 20 It is wise to see all things, and yet to turn our eyes from all that should be overlooked. 21 Our soul is blessed with the impression of the Glory of God whenever our lips praise Him. 22 There is one Teacher, God Himself; we are all His pupils. 23 All earthly knowledge is as a cloud covering the sun. 24 The first sign of the realization of truth is tolerance. 25 By disappointment one discovers the fact that one had built a hope on a false object. 26 Man is closer to God than the fishes are to the ocean. 27 We start our lives trying to be teachers; it is very hard to learn to be a pupil. 28 Until the heart is empty, it cannot receive the knowledge of God. 29 By judging that which one learns one become critic instead of a student. 30 We can never sufficiently humble our limited self before limitless perfection. 31
to utter the name of God is a blessing |