The spiritual guide performs the rôle of Cupid in bringing the seeking souls closer to God.
The Sufi's tendency is to look
at everything from two points of view: The true religion to the Sufi is the sea of truth,and all different faiths are as its waves. The pure truth not every man can see; if he can, he needs no more training. The Creator is hidden in His own creation. Natural religion is the religion of beauty.
The same light which is fire on
earth and sun in the sky, All surrender to beauty willingly, and to power unwillingly. The creation is not only the nature of God, but also His art.
Vanity is the impetus hidden
behind every impulse Time and space are but the length and breadth of the infinite. It is a presumption on the part of man, when he demands in words an explanation of God. Among a million believers in God there is scarcely one who makes God a reality.
The God ideal is the flower of
A true worshipper of God sees
His presence in all forms, The hidden desire of the Creator is the secret of the whole creation. Vanity is the sum total of every activity in the world. Beauty is the object which every soul pursues. Beauty is the life of the artist, the theme of the poet, the soul of the musician. A charming personality is as precious as gold, and as delicious as perfume. A dancing soul shows its graceful movements in all its activities. A charming personality is like a magnificent piece of art with life added. Life is the principal thing to consider,and true life is the inner life, the realization of God. The soul of Christ is the life of the universe. The mother was the stepping-stone of Jesus to Christhood.
God speaks to the prophet in His
divine tongue, The evidence of prophecy is the personality of the prophet. The true sword of Muhammad was the charm of his personality. As the whole of nature is made by God,so the nature of each individual is made by himself. When the personality of an artist is absorbed in his art, it becomes art itself. Vanity is a mask over the hidden object that attracts every soul. Vanity is the crown of beauty and modesty is its trone. Without modesty beauty is dead, for modesty is the spirit of beauty. All beauty is veiled by nature, and the greater the beauty the more it is covered.
The beauty which modesty covers,
art gently uncovers;
Modesty is the veil over the
face of the great,
God lives in nature, Nature is the very being of man. Therefore, he feels at one with nature. In the country you see the glory of God, in the city you glorify His name. True art does not take man away from nature; on the contrary, it brings him closer to her. A good reputation is as fragile as a delicate glass.
A good reputation is a trust
given to man by other people; Either take good care of your reputation, or do not care for it at all. The man who has no reputation of his own has no regard for the repuation of another. A man without a character is as a flower without perfume. In the sense of honour there is a divine spark hidden. Love is the net in which hearts are caught like fish. While everybody asks "Why" of his neighbour, the mystic asks this question of himself. The man of wealth is often merely the door-keeper of his treasure-house. Every person inherits from his ancestors not only his body, but his mind also. The wretched always look for some excuse to be miserable. Man is pulled from four sides in life: by nature, circumstances, law and the ideal. The child born on earth is an exile from Heaven. You must never joke with a fool; if you throw a flower at him, he will throw back a stone. No tie can bind you if your heart is free. The stilling of the heart is the true alchemy which turns mercury into silver. In all directions of progress the ideal is the compass that shows the way. Great personalities are few in the world, and fewer still those who know them. No person living on earth can come up to your ideal - except some hero of a story of the past.
The one whom you expect to be
your ideal, The true ego is born of the ashes of the false.
If by accident you step into the
mud, Matter is a state of spirit. A living word is life itself. The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels. The whole world's treasure is too small a price to pay for one word that kindles the soul. Sympathy breaks the congestion of the heart. A real success is proved by its durability. An action is a reaction of thought. Reason is the master of the unbeliever, and the servant of the believer. When a desire becomes a steady thought, its success is assured. No sacrifice is ever too great to be offered in the cause of liberty.
Of what use is your sense, O
sensible one, Stand through life firm as a rock in the sea, undisturbed and unmoved by its ever rising waves. If you fail yourself, everybody will fail you. Love climbs the mountain of life step by step. The discovering of error is the uncovering of the light. The truth sincerely spoken must certainly calm the heart of the listener. A fruitless life is a useless life. Gold is that which proves to be real to the end of the test. To make God intelligible, you must make a God of your own. Truth alone can succeed; falsehood is a waste of time and a loss of energy. What begins with deception continues and ends in deception. The wise say in one word what the foolish cannot explain in a thousand words. Spiritual attainment is the true purpose of every soul. The more people you can get on with, the wiser you prove to be. If you wish for relief in life, rise above complexity and conventionality. It does not matter what you have lost, so long as you have not lost your soul. One single moment of a sincere life is worth more than a thousand years of a life of falsehood. Burning words rise from a flaming heart. His own attitude becomes an obstacle on the path of the pessimist. Lack of patience starves virtue to death. Success gives an appearance of reality even to false things. The seeming death is the real birth of the soul.
Worrying over the faults of
others is an unnecessary addition He who is the master of his own domain is the ruler of life. To repress desire is to suppress a divine impulse.
The Yes or No of a reserved
person A truth that disturbs peace and harmony is worse than a lie. No one can sustain disharmony in life, though many ignorantly maintain it.
It takes a thousand lies to
prove one false statement true
That person becomes a conqueror
of life who learns to control his tongue,
When it is difficult for the
wise to judge the action of the worst sinner,
Preaching needs art; it is not
only speaking that is sufficient. Initiation is taking a step forward in a direction which one does not know.
Means sufficient for the simple
needs of everyday life
The first step in intuition is
to understand the symbolical meaning of different things,
It is not a particular religion
that can produce spirituality in man;
For every thing there is a time;
In order to arrive at his ideal
man must first realize his follies,
All things in their beginning
must be guarded from the sweeping winds of destruction,
When it is difficult even for
the worldly man to live in this world,
The ignorant believer, by his
claim of belief,
A selfish person cannot imagine
anyone being unselfish;
Truth is the light which
illuminates the whole life;
As water is the cleansing and
purifying element in the physical world,
It is very difficult to evolve
oneself and at the same time keep in tune with the unevolved.
God's majesty is seen in nature;
The way of the Sufi is to
experience life and yet to remain above it -
Man as a human being is capable
of loving one;
When man has to choose between
his spiritual and his material profit,
Life is an opportunity not only
of accomplishing one's desires,
Nobility of character is as
inborn a quality in man as is the fragrance of the flower;
It takes but a moment to drop
down from heaven to earth;
True happiness is in the
love-stream that springs from one's soul,
A good person, proud of his
goodness, turns his pearls into pebbles.
One word of the truly inspired
answers a hundred questions,
If you live in the vision of the
past, dream on, do not open your eyes to the present.
The bare truth alone is not
sufficient; truth must be made into wisdom.
If you walk on the path of light
and yet seek the darkness,
Love in its fulness is an
inexpressible power which speaks louder than words;
Joy and sorrow are each part of
the other.
Man wonders about his past and
Every moment of life is an
It is the spirit of discipleship
that opens the vision.
When it is so very difficult to
prove truth to be true,
Purgatory is that state which
mind experiences
It is the darkness in our own
heart which, Truth conceived by the mature soul is expressed as wisdom. Selflessness is pleasing not only to man but to God. It is better to refuse than to accept anything unwillingly.
No love offering can be more
precious than a word or act of respect,
You must find your ideal in
yourself. All that lives is spirit, and all that dies is matter.
Believe in your own ideal first,
if you wish others to believe in it.
Power most often costs more than
it is worth.
Man proves himself to be great
or small
Goodness and wickedness both
exist in human nature at the same time;
Through matter the soul attains
to its highest realization;
There is no end to reproaches.
There are many ideas which
intoxicate man,
The absence of generosity means
that the doors of the heart are closed.
There is nothing on earth or in
Heaven which is not within the reach of man.
The seeking of every soul in
this world is different, distinct and peculiar to himself,
Man's individuality is proved by
his wisdom and distinguished by comparison.
The expression of sentiment is
an outlet for the energy of the heart -
If a desire is not fulfilled, it
means that the person did not know how to desire;
The personality of the prophet
A clever person with a biting
tongue is like a serpent with its poisonous fang;
Let not your reputation fall
into the monkeys' hands;
Do not entrust the devil with
your secret.
Self-confidence is the true
meaning of faith,
With trust in God, with
goodwill, self-confidence and a hopeful attitude toward life,
Silence in modesty speaks louder
than bold words.
It is not by the servility of
those around him that the king is exalted.
All things existing have their
opposite, except God.
We each create our own God, but
only His form we imagine, not His life,
God alone exists, whether
thought of as one God or as many Gods,
When the human heart becomes
conscious of God, it becomes like the sea;
True spirituality is not a fixed
faith or belief.
Truth is purifying. It is most
lovable and peace giving.